“Troco Solidário Havan” 2020 in SC raises R $ 2.5 million in donations to the Women’s Network


Havan’s “Troco Solidário” campaign in 2020 set a record for donations in Santa Catarina. The megastores present in the state totaled R$ 2.5 million. This year, the national action totaled almost R$ 10 million, values that are being passed on to 160 entities across the country.

In SC, Havan decided to allocate the entire resource to the Women’s Network to Fight Cancer. Part of the amounts will be transferred to an entity at the state level and another to the branches present in the municipalities, thus ensuring that donations can include actions to prevent and combat breast cancer throughout the state. The megastores in Blumenau were the ones that had the highest collection and, therefore, the highest transfer.

Havan’s owner Luciano Hang emphasizes the importance of the community in this campaign that, even in such a challenging year, has done its part helping others. “Among the actions we have, “Troco Solidário” is one of the most beautiful and significant. It is the result of the collective effort to help those who do good. There are thousands of people who trust us to make their contribution. We are immensely grateful to know that from penny to penny we can help thousands of people. I appreciate each donation, they make all the difference”, he points out.

The campaign

“Troco Solidário Havan” has existed in the retail chain since 2010. In these years, it raised more than R$ 30 million and helped almost a thousand institutions spread across the country. Entities interested in participating in the “Troco Solidário” campaign should contact the branch manager in their cities (if there is more than one store in the municipality, go to just one branch) and register the institution in the campaign.

The entity undergoes evaluation. It is necessary that the institution has its own CNPJ (EIN), bank account in the name of the entity, bylaws, and suitability. From the approved registration, the “Troco Solidário” becomes an invitation, made by Havan’s cashier, to donate the change, or part of it, to the campaign. The donated amount is recorded in the system and the person receives a proof of participation, informing which entity she is helping. In all editions, the amount collected includes a different entity.

REDE ESTADUAL R$ 28.000,00
BLUMENAU R$ 102.800,00
CHAPECO R$ 102.600,00
JOINVILLE R$ 95.000,00
BALNEARIO R$ 90.800,00
CRICIUMA R$ 90.000,00
ITAJAI R$ 85.800,00
LAGES R$ 81.800,00
JARAGUA R$ 58.200,00
ARARANGUA R$ 47.400,00
INDAIAL R$ 45.000,00
BRUSQUE R$ 44.400,00
ITAPEMA R$ 42.000,00
JOACABA R$ 39.000,00
TUBARAO R$ 37.800,00
PORTO UNIAO R$ 35.400,00
RIO DO SUL R$ 32.400,00
SAO FCO DO SUL R$ 31.400,00
NAVEGANTES R$ 29.800,00
SAO BENTO DO SUL R$ 29.600,00
ABELARDO LUZ R$ 28.000,00
APIÚNA R$ 28.000,00
BRAÇO DO NORTE R$ 28.000,00
CAÇADOR R$ 28.000,00
CAIBI R$ 28.000,00
CAMPOS NOVOS R$ 28.000,00
CANELINHA R$ 28.000,00
CANOINHAS R$ 28.000,00
CAPINZAL R$ 28.000,00
CONCÓRDIA R$ 28.000,00
CUNHA PORÃ R$ 28.000,00
CURITIBANOS R$ 28.000,00
FRAIBURGO R$ 28.000,00
GAROPABA R$ 28.000,00
GASPAR R$ 28.000,00
GRAVATAL R$ 28.000,00
GUARAMIRIM R$ 28.000,00
IBIRAMA R$ 28.000,00
IÇARA R$ 28.000,00
IMARUÍ R$ 28.000,00
IMBITUBA R$ 28.000,00
JOBORÁ R$ 28.000,00
LAGUNA R$ 28.000,00
LAURO MULLER R$ 28.000,00
MARAVILHA R$ 28.000,00
NOVA TRENTO R$ 28.000,00
ORLEANS R$ 28.000,00
PALMITOS R$ 28.000,00
PINHALZINHO R$ 28.000,00
PIRATUBA R$ 28.000,00
POMERODE R$ 28.000,00
RIO NEGRINHO R$ 28.000,00
RODEIO R$ 28.000,00
SANTA CECÍLIA R$ 28.000,00
SÃO CARLOS R$ 28.000,00
SÃO LUDGERO R$ 28.000,00
SEARA R$ 28.000,00
TIMBÓ R$ 28.000,00
URUBICI R$ 28.000,00
XANXERÊ R$ 28.000,00
XAXIM R$ 28.000,00
TOTAL  R$ 2.500.000,00