Pink October: Rede Feminina de SC opens awareness month at Havan


The breast cancer is the most commom type among women. If diagnosed early, about 95% of cases have a chance of cure. So that’s why the awareness and prevention are essential. This Friday morning, 1st, happened in Havan’s Administrative Center, in Brusque (SC), the official opening of “Outubro Rosa” campaign, from Rede Feminina de Combate ao Cancer de Santa Catarina, and Brusque. Throughout the month, the retailer will support several initiatives with the objective of drawing attention to the important issua and contributing to the entity.

To support Rede Feminina, will be sold in Havan’s Administrative Center umbrellas, scarves and t-shirts to employees. The collected value will be totally destinated to entity. In 2020, all the funds from the Troco Solidario from Havan stores in SC were transferred to Rede Feminina. In total, R$2,5 million was allocated and the amounts met the demands of 66 units of the Chain across the State.

During the solemnity, Havan’s owner, Luciano Hang, praised the volunteer for the important work they do for so many women. “Last year, when we did the transfer for all the units of chain, I remember that Canelinha’s president had cry. I feel emotional, because she known that money was not from her, but recognizes that with this fund is possible to save lifes. That’s why I advocate so much that people should contribute, because we all always have something that can be donated. It’s not the volume that makes the difference, it’s the union of all. I’m very proud to be able to help such beautiful initiatives as this one”, he said.

The president of Rede Feminina de Brusque, Miriam Evangelista Ribeiro and the president of Rede Estadual, Maria Ciria Aragão Zunino, thanked Havan for the support given to the institution over the years. They spoke about the importance for the cost of the Rede, that realizes all the actions free for thousands of patients and emphasizes the importance of other companies embrace the cause. “It’s gratifying to be able to be here and show what we do with such dedication. I feel that more and more of society understands the relevance of social work”, said Maria Ciria.

Photo exhibition

In addition, for a week the entrace hall of Havan administrative center will host a “As Guerreiras de Gaia” photo exhibition, by photographer Vanessa Moresco, with striking and sensitive images that shows the feminine form. In addition to, also there images by Mariana Eccher, in the essay made to promote the traditional pink t-shirt, symbol of the “Pink October” campaign across the country.

Also during October, in “Encantar”, which is Havan’s corporate social media, an avatar will be made available for employees to show their support for the cause. Posts and videos will also be released on the retailer’s social media. The initiative will be aimed at the entire companie, which currently has 22,000 employees, 164 megastores, gas stations and a Distribution Center.

Finally, on October 16, Havan will partner with Rede Massa in holding a cultural event in Curitiba (PR), in which the retailer will promote a rain with pink balloons.