Havan plans to open 10 megastores in 2021 generating up to 2 thousand direct jobs


With the purpose to promote the social and economic development of Brazil, Havan keep the accelerated rhythm of megastores implantation, North to South of the country. Until the end of this year, the predict is that the retailer exceed 170 branches with the open of more 10 megastores, creating up to 2 thousand direct jobs and thousands of indirect. 

Currently, Havan is in 18 states, and in the Distrito Federal, with 161 megastores. This year was inaugurated eight new enterprises. “In the last two years we need to put the brakes on and prioritize keeping jobs. Nevertheless, we can to follow the expansion project” emphasizes the Havan’s owner, Luciano Hang. 

Between the states that are in the schedule to receive a new Havan, still in 2021, is Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo. The dates and cities chosen will be disclosed with the close of the project conclusion. 

Dreams of many 

Luciano emphasizes that count with a Havan is the wish of a lot of cities around Brazil, because, besides the job generation, the enterprise contributes to the social development in the city where it is inserted. “We not open only a store, when Havan arrives in a city it contributes for a positive change in all of that zone. We count with a lot of projects that contemplate the cities. The Troco Solidário is one of that, wherewith we have had collected about R$40 millions and helped most of a thousand entities. Each branch define semiannually who will be beneficiated. So this good current go very far”, comments.  

Work at Havan 

The job creation is a differential that Havan provide opportunities. Besides the involved professionals at the construction of a new megastore, each branch generates about 200 new job vacancies to the role of cashier, store leader, stock checker, visual merchandising assistant, salespeople (electronic, and services), store inspectors, sales assistant, janitors, administrative assistant/HR, and others. “The retail is essentially made for people to people. I believe that job is the best social program that exists. Have already had stores that we received most of 60 thousands of resumes. Is exciting to see the happiness from who get the vacancy”, highlight Luciano. 

In all states 

Havan’s owner plan most stores for 2022. The goal to the next year is to take the retail chain for all of 27 Brazilian states and get the mark of 200 megastores. “Is a natural growth of our business. We take Havan for where people ask. We had about of 70 ground mapped to build future stores. Every day we see new place opportunities to take Havan. Brazil is a fertile ground and we are prepared to follow investing in Brazil and Brazilian people”, concludes.