Havan donates duvets to cities that were hit by floods in the South of the Country


In solidarity with hitted families by floods at last days, Havan make donations of duvets to cities of Santa Catarina and Paraná.

This week, was sending 200 items to Porto União (SC) and União da Vitória (PR), which from most of 40 days are suffering with the floods. Rio do Sul (SC), that hitted one of the biggest flood of your history will receive 200 duvets on the next days too.

Havan’s owner, Luciano Hang, regrets for the happened at South region in the last months. “I express my solidarity with all people affected by floods. I hope we can contribute a bit to alleviate this delicate moment. I wish everyone strengh so that they can get back  as soon as possible”.

In the begin of October, Havan supported other cities too, as Taió (SC), where it provided a helicopter to carry groceries to people. And, in September, the retailer donated duvets to Lajeado, at Rio Gande do Sul, and did a solidarity action with stores in the South to collect clothes and Bed, Table and Bath products. The employees of Centro Administrativo, in Brusque (SC), did an internal action where they collect several items that was sent to Gaúcho cities still in September.