
Foto: Cleiton Thiele/SerraPress
This year, the 38th edition of Natal Luz, in Gramado (RS), is counting with Havan’s sponsorship. The event, that is one of the biggest and most traditional Christmas in Brazil, was started at October 26th and will during until January 21, 2024. The expectation is to receive most of 2 million of tourist.
This is the first year that Havan is present in the event. “Two years ago, we opened our megastore in Canela (RS), nearby here. Since then, we seek to be integrated in the community, supporting the events and contributing with the region. The Natal Luz de Gramado is always very waited, and, for us, to participate of this magic party and enchantment is a great privilege”, said Havan’s owner Luciano Hang.
All the schedule of Natal Luz can be followed in the official event website natalluzdegramado.com.br