Havan receive a Marketing award by project that values content created by customers on social media


Havan received, last Monday, 27th, the Top Marketing e Vendas award, at retail cathegory, promoted by ADVB/SC 2023. The event occured at Faial Hotel, in Florianopolis, and have awarded the project “Tem na Havan”, that has become, more and more, the customers as brand promoters on social media.

The marketing coordinator, Ana Maria Leal da Veiga, participated of the award, with the team that had the idea of the project. “When we though on this board with the hashtag #TemNaHavan, we intended to expand this highlight on social media, leaving our customers free to create content as they wanted, keeping the originality and autenticity. We know that people today is attracted by marketing without marketing face, and the traditional ‘boca-a-boca’ never losts strengh.

She also reveal that all material created by customers were publicated in an organic way, not being driven, and the excellence in content performance equals or, is often, higher than monthly averages of Havan’s social media as a whole.

Havan’s owner, Luciano Hang, said that the awar is not only for the companie, but also for customers that was contributed with the result. “We had to thanks the affection of our customers that believe and trust in Havan. No one is better to talk and sell the brand as the ones that is in love for it”.

At all, 16 companies of state was recognized by Marketing Catarinense Oscar, as the award that values quality, criativity, achieving and exceeding goals is known.